Can you meal plan and still eat intuitively?
One assumption of Intuitive Eating is that food decisions have to be based on what you want in the moment. Any other reason, then you're doing it wrong. If you pre plan a meal, then surely you're making an assumption about what future you will want to eat, right? Perhaps, but there's nothing wrong with that. I would argue that it is near-impossible to eat perfectly intuitively all the time. What if you get hungry in the middle of a meeting? Or if your fridge is half empty? Or if you're craving the sushi you ate on holiday five years ago?
Intuitive Eating (notice the capital letters when we refer to the 10-part framework of Intuitive Eating) allows for context. Part of honouring your body's hunger and fullness might mean having a small meal when you're not really hungry if you know you won't get to eat again for some time.
Types of meal plans and Intuitive Eating
Meal planning can take many forms. It can be as simple as buying ingredients based around a menu for your week of meals, or as involved as pre-making full meals several days ahead. I'm personally a fan of making enough of a meal for it to last two days, getting a few days' worth of packed lunches ready to go, and pre-cooking veg to speed up mealtimes. This offers me flexibility, and leaves nothing set in stone too far ahead. A different strategy might suit you better.
Working for you, not against you
Eating intuitively should be a path that works for you, not more rules to try and follow. Whatever you lifestyle and health requirements are, you can apply the principles of Intuitive Eating to your needs. Guide these principles with a bit of gentle nutrition knowledge and flexibility with your routine. And yes, that might include a meal plan.
If you need support with learning how to eat intuitively, or understanding the right diet approach for you, book in for a free 15 minute discovery call with me.